Friday, August 20, 2010

Puzzle time

In between swimming, dinner and waiting for his daddy to get off work to take him swimming again, Tanek and his mom were putting together a puzzle of Europe. I love how their shirts matched the puzzle so well. It was cute hearing him saying all the names of some of those little countries .
She was telling him all the names of the countries as they were putting them together. He was looking at the pieces and finding the countries.

And the finished puzzle. So many fun things to learn. I love the bright colors in this puzzle. Just makes it look fun.


Heather O'Steen Photography said...

YAY!! Love the Geopuzzles - so glad Stephanie introduced us to them. I know how much you LOVE puzzles! :)

Nana said...

You noticed it wasn't me helping with the puzzle but Stephanie :) I do think these are nice, however, they are still puzzles.