Saturday, October 25, 2008

Plan B

Sometimes you have to just go to plan B. I had this wonderful idea of painting this house in a week=end and then I thought I could get "all" my Christmas lights up in the 4 days while Tanek and his mom and dad were at Disney. WELL....first of all I didn't get the house painted in the week-end I thought I would. Then 3 of the 4 days it rained. So, I have the front of the house all finished which only took me 5 days. (You know, take everything down, put everything back up, etc etc.) not counting the paint time. T oday hubby and I were going to get both sides painted. Woke up to rain, well more like mist, but wet just the same. SO, I decided I would paint the back porch and get it cleaned off and then I will be able to start decorating it on the days I can't paint. Now at 4 PM the sun has finally come out. But the back porch is also painted. So, I am sorta painting this like a puzzle and then will put it all together. Hopefully. Talked to Tanek and He is having fun at Disney. I can't wait to hear all about it from a 2 1/2 year olds eyes.
Anyway, that is what has been going on around here for the past week. No lights up yet and the house only 1/4 done. That's ok. Like Sarah Palin says. WHen you are behind you just work harder. Hope it works for all of us. Happy Saturday anyway. And the Gators won. Actually they pretty well skunked Kentucky. Now hopefully the bulldogs will win (for Ricky) and GOOOOO BAMA.

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