Thursday, June 11, 2009

Fun, Sun, Food and Swimming!

Last Tuesday we had a fun time of swimming with Anita and her grand-children, Garrett, Chandler and Morgan, with Stephanie, Gary, Tanek and me. The weather was VERY hot and so even though the water was still pretty cool from all the rain, it felt pretty good.
Tanek loved having the "big" kids to play in the pool with. He likes to think he is as big as they are.

After swimming for a few hours we Anita and I went to Hardee's and brought back enough food to feed an army of hungry swimmers. It was a very fun day.


Alice said...

looks like a lot of fun! it's been way too hot!

Karen said...

Ahhhhhh! The pool looks so good. That's a classic pic of Gary floatin' in the pool after harvestin' all those peas and corn!! Should blow that one up for the living room wall....