Thursday, January 29, 2009

A neighborhood project

One of Papa's friends gave him this antique electric train. It was in their barn and was still in the original boxes. Gary took it and cleaned it up and got it working. John next door gave Gary a gift certificate to get the tracks because Gary takes care of their animals when they are gone. So, he built this table and put the train on it and it works great. I don't know who has more fun with it Papa or Tanek.
John (next door) got him this whistle building that blows the trains whistle. Tanek (and Papa) love to make the whistle blow.
John is a big electric train fan and he has tons of trains that he has collected over many years. He is having as much fun helping get this set up as Papa is. Will update photo's as they continue to build their town.


Karen said...

That is so cool. What a special thing for the boys to do together.

Alice said...

My dad had tons of trains and track. I think he had 3 different town setups before he died. He loved watching my kids work the trains when they were little. They would all be wearing their conductor hats and be blowing those wooden train whitles Daddy had for them. Great memories! Tanek is building those memories now. What fun!

Greg said...

Hi Nana:

Thanks so much for walking with me, your support, and your willingness to review my book. Have a blessed day; I know I will!