Today we worked a little longer than usual catching up on what we didn't do on my birthday. One of the fun lessons was on The World God Created. ( I think that is the title) Anyway it was talking about how God created the world in 6 days just by speaking the word. Then one of the assignments was to go out and look at the different kind of trees and see how they were differrent and see if we could find any trees that had their arms held up praising God. And, there are lots of trees that really do look like their arms are upstretched in praise to their creator. It also ask what his favorite thing to do with a tree was. At first he said climbing them.
(He does love to climb) and then when we went out back and looked at the big oak tree with his swing in it, he decided that was the most fun thing to do. So we took some time to swing and let him enjoy the tree that God created to hold his swing. Then he came back in and drew a picture of the tree with his swing on it. The other day he wanted to get this birdhouse to paint. So we got it for one of his craft projects and he had so much fun painting it. He kept asking me if I thought the birds would like their new house. I assured him they would. He and my middle granddaughter share my love of birds and we have a great time watching them and talking about them. He especially likes the Cardinal since that was his t-ball teams name. But right now yellow is his favorite color and so he wanted to paint it yellow. We got it all painted and next time we will decorate it pretty.

He was seriously into painting this little birdhouse and it had to be just right for the birds.

We had a great 2nd day. We went to Larado's for lunch, we spent an hour swimming and then we painted . We had a very full day and he enjoyed it. He is easy to teach because he will let you know when he is "done" and when he is done , he IS done. We do a lot of fun things in between his lessons and that keeps it fun. So far he is loving it and I am too.
YAY!!! I'm so excited for you - it sounds like you have discovered exactly what homeschooling is! Learning, living, and loving together. Happy homeschooling!
you are off to an excellent start! learning can be so much fun! especially when you are learning (and doing) about things you care about!
I really am starting to catch on to this whole thing. It is fun. It really is a way of life. It just all fits together and in the middle of it all they are learning and so am I.
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