Around our house we like cookies. Fresh baked cookies. Today Tanek and I made some more cookies. He loves sprinkle cookies. He loves everything about sprinkles. We had 2 different kind of sprinkles and we used them both. Getting them in the bowl is a lot of fun.

First you have to open the jar.

Then you shake them out

You dip the cookies in

And put them on the cookie sheet

And of course you are probably going to have lots of sprinkles left over and you can't use them again. So.....

You have to eat all the left overs.

Umm Umm good.

And the final project is finished. And that is a good thing. Yummy!

We had a good time baking the cookies. After they were finished we ate some while we watched the movie Cars. I think we had cookies for lunch becasue we forgot to eat lunch. After the movie we went swimming. We were able to swim in the rain for a few minutes,because that was all the rain we got. It was fun swimming in the rain though. We also did some educational things like he read to me, he worked on his "mighty mind", played with his gears. And as always he played with his cars and bulldozers. He is all boy and that is a must thing to do everyday. It was a fun summer day.
Very cute pictures and I love the licking of the fingers before picking up the cookie! Austin was looking at a picture of Tanek on his iPod last night and saying how much he misses him....
Adds to the sweetness of the cookies. He misses Austin. Always talks about him when he plays with his monster trucks. Austin is the one who introduced him to those and he loves them.
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