On Wednesday morning Tanek had his annual check up with his Cardiologist. He has a small heart murmur and they check it every year. He was such a big boy and said he had fun at the doctor's.

They even had a chair just his size for him. He also got a cute pillow that ladies from Shiloh Baptist church make for the patients.

They hooked him up for his ekg. At first he wasn't too sure about it, but once he remembered that they don't stick him he was ok.

The tech was very good with him and he was fine watching what they were doing.

All hooked up and ready for the test

She is explaining to him what the ekg is showing and he was quite interested

And in just a short time it was over and time to take off all the stickers

A big smile for mommy

Just one more to go

The doctor comes and checks him and he is good for another year.

All done and that was fun!
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