My grand-daughters are crazy about horses. They love to ride. Kirsten likes to be at the stables better than anywhere else. They are both good riders and the day before I left they had a riding lesson and I got to go out and watch them. This is Hannah on one of the horses she rides.

Kirsten rides on Smokey most of the time. This guy can get a real attitude and tries to do things his way. He doesn't realize that Kirsten is more strong willed than he is and she will stay in charge.

Emily hasn't started riding.....yet. But there are many things for her to do when she is out there. She loves the kitties. I think this is the cat that is getting ready to have her own kitties.

Hannah looks so natural on a horse.

Emily and her mom watch as the girls ride. Well, Emily doesn't watch so much as she is so busy doing her own thing.

This time Richard was off and so he came along. The barn is NOT his favorite place to be. I think he is texting as Emily looks on.

The girls getting ready to do some jumps

I am taking a look at Smokey. Notice I am on the Other side of the fence from him.

Hannah's horse is a little more friendly and gentle

Smokey loves Kirsten and she loves him

Kirsten's motto is a bad day at the barn is better than a good day anywhere else. I don't think she thinks it is possible to have a bad day at the barn.

Mom & Dad look on

Smokey gets a treat after the riding lesson

There was a mama goat and two babies. We got to watch them milk the goat and feed the babies.

The two baby kids were so cute.

Emily got to help feed one of the babies

Aren't they so cute?

A close up shot of one of the "kids".

And the other "kid".

I always enjoy going out and watching the girls ride. They both do such a great job and love it so much. I certainly can't say that I share their love of the barn or of the horses, but since they love it so much I enjoy watching them.
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