What seemed like such a short time from the day he was born and we went through all the stages of elementary school through high school and then college and then into adulthood each stage had such good times and some not as good. You nuture this little boy and love him with all your heart and to soon they are grown. The greatest thing is when you can look at this boy who has become a man and you are proud of who they are. God gives moms the greatest position in life to mold a child into an adult. Now as I look back and it really does seem like such a short time ago, this child is a great son, I think he is a great husband (you may have to check with Heather on that one) and a great father. He made me a first time mom, a first time mom-n-law, and a first time Nana. Now that was a good thing. Richard I thank you for 41 years of being my son. You have taught me a lot and I hope I taught you a few things. Thanks for making me a mom, but especially for making me a Nana. That is the icing on the cake. I wish I could post a baby picture of you on here because you sure were a cutie. Just have to settle for this picture I had. I wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I hope you have at least 41 more. I wish you were here.
Hope whatever you do today is special for your special day.
Happy Birthday to my man!! And yes, he is a good husband. I love you babe!
And Nana - you are so sweet - we love you!
how sweet, nana! happy birthday to richard! i hope my son turns out as well :O)
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