Today Gary, Stephanie, Tanek and I went to Crescent Beach to visit Paul and Anita, Kim & Dan and their family. We had a great time. The weather was perfect for the beach and it was just a fun day. Below is Chandler and his girlfriend Jackie in the hot tub. This is where Stephanie and I stayed. The water temp was 103 degrees and the pool was only 84 degrees. Too cold for us. Love the hot tub.

Tanek enjoyed the pool with Morgan and Chandler. He doesn't care if the water is cool. (cold to me)

He had fun jumping off the edge to Chandler and Morgan. He loves them. The pool was beautiful. Part of it was under a covered roof and the other part outside.

They were spending the week at a condo on Crescent Beach and it was really nice.

Sitting around the table on the patio pool side.

There was a pond outside their condo and it was full of turtles. Big long neck turtles. We took Tanek down there so he could feed them and boy did the turtles come up to shore.

My sweet hubby looking at the turtles.

Tanek enjoyed feeding the turtles.

You can see how long their necks were. I haven't ever seen turtles like this. They also had a very funny shaped mouth. Kinda scary actually.

After a delicious and I might add BIG lunch we went to walk on the beach.

I just love the beach. Yes it is hot and sticky, but it is just so beautiful. I love the sea, the clouds and just walking and playing in the sand. Here I am with Tanek and Stephanie.

Meme Anita, Tanek, and Stephanie.

Tanek wanted to make a sand castle. We had left his sand toys back in the house and so we had to show him what a good sand castle we could make without using any tools.

Tanek enjoyed making the sandcastle. We made a very pretty one with a pond in the middle.

The tide was low and the sand wet and it was easy to work with.

After a fun day we left and stopped by the Disney store at the outlet mall. We were looking for shirts for our Disney trip, but didn't find anything. We got in the car to go home and we were not down the road 5 minutes and Tanek was asleep. He never takes a nap except on our trips home after a busy day at the beach or Disney. He is at complete peace and happy having had a fun day with some of his favorite people. He has his Ron Jon surf shirt on that Kim & Dan brought him back from their cruise.

A video of Tanek building his sandcastle.
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