Tanek is checking out the watermelons. We are hoping to have plenty of watermelons for our 4th of July party. Hopefully this year we can have a big party. Heather & Richard and girls will be here and hopefully most of Heather's family and I am hoping Steph will be off and her and Ricky and Tanek will be here too. SO, we need lots of watermelons, corn, tomatoes etc. to go with our Hamburgers. Maybe Pam will come along too:)

Tanek is checking out the progress of the tomatoes, but then an airplane went over and that was much more interesting.

Papa, do you think that corn will be ready by the 4th? I am not sure. Keep it watered Papa.

The pea's are growing pretty good. I think they may be ready, but not sure if I even like them.

This place takes lots of water. We need some rain. Tanek is making sure Papa does it right.

Here is the beginning of our pumpkin patch. Hopefully for the fall we will have lots of Pumpkins.

Overall I think it is coming along pretty well. Just getting ready for it to start bearing food. It does take time though.

Papa is putting down fertilizer. It should start growing faster now. Still need some rain though.

Tanek is helping Papa put fertilizer in his little machine. He would love to get into that bag and really help his Papa.

Papa has been working hard everyday to get the garden growing. It is looking good.
Well, you have a head start because the saying up here for corn is "knee high by the 4th of July"! The garden looks great! Tanek sounds like a Ryan... race cars and airplanes...!
Can't wait to eat everything! Keep it growing....
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