Besides having 2 grown children that are great friends I also have 2 great grown children by marriage that are great friends. Plus, they have each given me the greatest gift of all....Grand-children. You can't be sad when you have wonderful Grand-children. Above is a picture of Tanek. He was 2 in February and he is a joy. It is always interesting to have him around. There is no telling what he will do or say next. Pam captured this great picture for me to give Stephanie for Mother's Day. I only wish my mom could have met my Grand-children. She never got to meet any of them.
Another big blessing in my life is having my daughter, her husband Ricky and our Grand-son Tanek live right here in town and get to attend the same church. It is so cool to see him come out of the nursery with a big smile on his face. He doesn't always go in with a smile, but he always comes out with one. He is learning at a very young age all about God too. I absolutely love this church. It is SO family oriented and so uplifting and encouraging. I am thankful to come here and very thankful that they also attend here. Stephanie is a wonderful daughter. She is truly one of my very best friends. For those of you that are raising teen-age daughters. Hang in there. They will one day be your best friend. She is a very wonderful mom too. Very patient and loving. I couldn't ask for more for my Grand-son either.

Papa was very busy on the job. He didn't know Pam would catch him. She is good. When she has her camera, nothing is overlooked.
Papa actually did help some, but when we walked down to the water he thought it a good time to chill out.
Here are just a few of the pictures Pam took. I especially like this one because of the verse she added. This is such a good verse to remember as they are growing up.
As always Tanek will have his "mine" car if possible. He carried it in most of his pictures.
So as you can see I have had a very Blessed Mother's Day. I am truly thankful for what God has given to me. I am loved, and I have so much to love. Aside from my relationship with God, nothing is more important to me than the wonderful family God has given to me. I always loved my position as a mom and I still do, but the icing on the cake is being Nana. It really does make growing "mature" worthwhile. I say "mature" because I don't think I will ever think I am "old".

To all you Mother's out there. I hope you all had a Wonderful Mother's Day. Enjoy the children, regardless of their age and the Grand-children. God Is Good....All The Time!
Happy Mother's Day Nana. We love you. Thanks so much for all your encouraging words.
You never cease to make me think and ponder your words. Thanks for the insight from a few years down the road. Every bit of wisdom is heard and taken to heart.
I'm proud of Tanek's pictures and think they are bright and colorful--just like he is.
I teared up about he gift from Papa. That made me smile the most and my heart was warmed over that.
I too love our church home. Words cannot express the gratitude I have to the Lord for making me a part of this fellowship that seeks the Lord and never strays from The Word of God. I have been there ten years now and many of my dearest friends have been made there and I am so happy to call you one of them.
Happy Mother's Day Nana. I love you too.
I am a New York Times bestselling author working on a new book about mother-daughter relationships and thought you might want to contribute. Please visit my page for details about submitting stories for Mom's Little Angel.
Gregory E. Lang
Author of “Daddy’s Little Girl,” “Why a Daughter Needs a Dad,” “Why a Daughter Needs a Mom” and more.
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