Saturday Gary, Stephanie, Tanek and I went to Atlanta for my nieces 50th surprise birthday party. To say she was surprised was an understatement. It was great. This party has been being planned for and worked on for over a year. It was great. There were so many of her friends and supporters of her ministry "Celebrate Life International" working on this. CLI works with at risk kids and is making a big impact on kids at risk. Lori is a dynamic speaker and speaks all over the world and if you have ever met her and heard her speak you will NEVER forget her. I am so proud to call her my niece. The party was held at Towne Lake Hills clubhouse in Woodstock Georgia. Below is a picture of Tanek getting ready to party. Practicing to yell SURPRISE!

This is my nephew Jerry. He is Lori's oldest brother, but he is younger than her. Not yet 50. He lives in Kennewick Washington and flew in for the party. It was great to see him again. It has been several years since we have seen him.

When Lori came in and everyone was singing Happy Birthday to her, her two brothers came in behind her and surprised her big time. She has just realized they were here.

This was the first birthday cake. Her mom rolled the cake in and that is how Lori found out her mom was at the party. She certainly was surprised to see her. My sister lives in Vancouver, Wa. Blowing out the candles before they burned up the cake.

Lori overwhelmed by all the surprises and at a loss for words.....but only temporarily.

Being presented with a few special gifts.

Blowing out more candles on the big cake. With so many candles they had to put them on two cakes.:)

The party was decorated in Hot Pink and Black. It was very pretty and the cakes were also Hot Pink and Black. Dress attire for the guest was either black or pink. It was very festive.

Lori and her mom (my sister, Rena)

Rena and Bob (Lori's "little" brother) eating some cake. Bob came in from Bellingham, Wa.

Jose, Jerry and Rena eating cake. Jose is Lori's right hand in her ministry.

The Cake

A picture of the picture of Lori that they had on display

Uncle Bob and Tanek. Tanek had a ball getting to know family members for the first time. They enjoyed meeting and playing with him. He was so full of fun and enjoyed the party.

Can you guess what they are doing here?

Lori was presented with a book of all the birthday wishes that came in for her and they put them all in a book.

Rena "Aunt Grandma" and Tanek dancing at the party.

Tanek and Uncle Kurt. When Uncle Kurt is around Tanek always ends up on top of his shoulders. He loves Uncle Kurt.

Tanek flying high with his Uncle Jerry.

Tanek with the birthday girl, Aunt Lori.

Flying high again with Uncle Bob. They loved throwing this little guy in the air and he loved it.

Here I am with my 2 nephews and niece

The family except Kurt was missing in this one.

Sunday morning we went to brunch at the Marrietta Conference center. It was nice to have some time to spend together before we headed home. I have not seen my 2 nephews in several years and it was good to reconnect with them. Stephanie had not seen them in 15 years and they had never met Tanek. It was just a fun time of getting reacquainted. Kurt is taking the picture and the man at the end of the table was a good friend of Kurt & Lori's and he came in from Phoenix, Az. for the party. Lots of people love Lori and they came from all over to celebrate this great time in her life.

The cousins

Here we all are. There was many of our family that was not here, we are scattered all over the U.S. and we were happy to get this many of us together. We had a wonderful time and it was great to share in all memories with the family.

They had a cannon in the lobby of the Hilton and this is a picture of Tanek in front of it.

Whenever we go on a trip to the beach or to Disney Tanek usually falls asleep on the way home. I always get a picture of him to show how he ends his day or days of fun. He doesn't take a nap but usually after a big day of fun he will fall asleep on the drive home. This time he didn't fall asleep. I asked him if he would pretend to be asleep so I could get the traditional picture of him
sleeping. So...he did. He isn't asleep but he did a good imitation. I guess we did not wear him out enough for him to fall asleep. All the way home from Atlanta he was wide awake. This is how he would look if he were sleeping.
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