And then to top that off they bring you wonderful grand-children. Grand-children are in my opinion God's greatest earthly blessing to us. Just as you are getting to the point where you feel "not needed" by your own children Grand-children come and you again have a role to play. Only now you don't have the responsibility of paying for their clothes, food, Dr. bills, lessons, college etc etc. You just have the time to enjoy them and do all the things you didn't have time to do when your own children were growing up. And it is so much fun to see their parents personalities coming out in them in so many ways. Kirsten, my first grand-child made me a Nana. What a joy that 1st grand-child is. But as #2 and then #3 & 4 come along they are just as special. Wow! 4 grand-children. I never thought I would have 4. But it is so wonderful. Each one is so different and so much fun. I hate that my 3 precious grand-daughters live so far away that I don't get to spend a lot of time with them, but they are still so precious to me and I try to keep up with them from a distance. And when I do get to be with them I try to make up for lost time. And it is special getting to stay a few days with them and seeing them morning through night. My sweet grand-son lives close and I get to take care of him a few days a week while his mommy works and that is precious time. Right now that sweet little boy is asleep in his bed in the next room. We are making lots of memories. The latest ones is of him going on the potty. That is big and we celebrate it big. He is so excited as we all are. His big goal was to get trained so he could go to Disney, take gymnastic lessons and get a build it lego bulldozer. Lots of incentives that have worked well. In June I will be spending time with the grand-daughters at their house and I look forward to that. The 2 youngest will have dance recitals and I can't wait to see them in it. I just feel so very blessed that I have been able to enjoy not only my children growing up and becoming friends, then they married and brought us two more friends and our 4 grand-children. Life is good. God is SO good. If you are not yet a grand-parent just wait. You have NO idea what fun is in store for you. To each mother I hope you had a Happy Mother's day. Your role is not always easy, but it is fleeting. Enjoy it. The best is yet to come. When you can like as well as love your grown children you have succeeded as a parent. They will leave for a time to go to college or whatever, but they do come back. Even when they live far away, they come for visits and those visits are special times. I love watching the circle of life. I am now where my parents were just a short time ago. They have both gone on the heaven now and I sure miss them. I want to have enough memories made that when my time comes (hopefully not until I am at least 80) that my grand-children will have loads of memories of their Nana.
Thanks Richard and Stephanie for making me "mom" and for making me "nana". You guys did good. I am blessed and very very thankful.
#1 Grand-daughter Kirsten

what a wonderful post! i know how much you love your grandkids! it's apparent every day. God bless you! i'm glad your mother's day was wonderful. year let's plan on taking Tanek out to the flower field and shooting a bunch of photos!
Happy Mother's Day Nana! I love all these kids too. I personally don't think that asking for 4 more is greedy at all. I will speak to Heather ASAP and get that ball rolling. Maybe God could just give her all 4 in one shot. :o)
Alright . . . I KNOW that Heather must be a busy lady if she has not come behind my last comment to comment! haha
ALRIGHT PAM!!! I have been very, very busy, and I actually just stumbled across this post, I don't know how I missed it!! Must have been sidetracked when I had it pulled up..
Nana, this post was beautiful! We are so blessed to have such a wonderful Nana. And I am very blessed to have such a wonderful mother-in-law. I knew the very first time that you and I spent time together, that I was going to love you like a best friend. Do you remember going shopping that first time together and we were looking at some kind of stuffed animals that you pushed a button and they started singing? Remember how we pushed all 20 of them at the same time? And then we laughed so hard we almost peed our pants!!!??? I knew then you would be a great mother-in-law and Nana someday. I'm so glad my girls have you in their lives. We love you and Happy Mother's Day again, very late....
And Pam, I think YOU need to be the one to give Nana some more grandbabys!!! Get busy....
Heather, I do remember that day. It was frogs and we had them all croaking. We have had lots of fun over the years and I look forward to many more. I am looking forward to my trip up there next month. Your a great daughter.
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