It is amazing how fast things have grown. The corn is at 3 different stages since it was planted that way. They are just growing and growing.

Here is our future pumpkin patch. We should have lots of pumpkins. Will make great fall decorations.

Can you believe all these sprawling plants are watermelons? They are taking over the garden. We have over 50 melons so far. Yum, can't wait for them to be ready.

Papa is checking out the peas. He has already had to start shelling them. That is "his" job. I don't shell peas. We have enough for one meal already. Hope they are good. I am not even sure how to cook them.

It is hard to believe these have grown so much in such a short time. The problem now is bugs. It is so hot that they are really coming out. It will be a contest to see if the bugs win or papa wins. He is pretty handy with a sprayer.

Squash and more squash. I am going to try Pams recipe. It looks pretty good.

Bell peppers. We have got a few off of the plants so far. They are very good.

My most favorite plant in the garden. WATERMELONS. These are really doing well and I am anxiously awaiting them to be ready to eat.
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