Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Finally a successful haircut
After the Rain!
the sky was doing it's color show. I love to watch the sky and clouds. They are just so beautiful and intriguing. My dad always said (at sunset) the sky was "skybluepink." And it really is.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Children's Choir at Trinity Baptist
They are learning so much and hiding God's Word in their hearts at such a young age. My sweet grand-son is the little dark haired boy in the front row.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Harvest Moon
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
How do you teach a moving target???
We have been doing home school for about a month now. It has really gone well. I wasn't sure what to expect or if I could do it. It is amazing to me what you can teach a 4 year old even when they are a moving target. There are times that he sits and does his school work, but most of the time he is on the move. However, he is still absorbing it. He has certain things he really likes to learn about. He has a great memory. We are working on the ABC Bible verses. There is a verse for every alphabet. The C verse has been a little confusing because he is learning two other verses that are almost the same but a little different and found in different books of the Bible. They are all about children obeying their parents but each is phrased a little different. We also are working on the 23rd Psalm which he almost has completely memorized and I have taken video's of him saying it but for some reason it will not upload. Maybe it is too long. He is doing very well at reading, spelling, math, language, science and history. History is my least favorite subject so we sometimes don't like it too much. He is dong better on his handwriting and has just about decided to use his left hand all the time. He likes doing work sheets a lot. He loves it when it is cutting and pasting, coloring and doing things like that. He is learning all the capitals of the U.S. and can say them and point to them on the map. He usually sings them, because that is how he is learning them. It is amazing how easy it is for them to learn to memorize when they are singing it instead of just saying it.
I think so far it has been a great experience. I like that I get to spend so much time with him and I like having the choice of when and where to do it. We can do it in whatever time table we want and that leaves plenty of time to do the fun things that a 4 year old loves to do. We try to keep it all fun and there are many games we play that are helping him learn too. I am really happy that I have the opportunity to share this time with him and help him and his mom in this home school adventure. I think I may be learning a lot of things too, and that is a good thing.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Happy Birthday Doris
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Tanek and his Cars
Monday, September 13, 2010
Papa's Fall Garden
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Flying through the air!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Labor Day - 2010
It was a beautiful Labor day and now that the fun part is over I am back to work. I am stripping off some old wallpaper border in the bathroom. That is another thing I won't do anymore. Put up wallpaper or border. What a pain to take down. Hope everyone had a great Labor Day. By the way. That rain storm brought us 2 1/2 inches of rain in less than an hour and then it was over.
Library & Playground Day
Friday, September 3, 2010
Happy Birthday to my Sister!
This picture was taken on Thanksgiving 2008. We are planning on having Thanksgiving together again and I can't wait.