This was a really cool place to stay. VERY colorful
And who doesn't remember Mr. & Mrs. Potato head.
Riding on the "Disney Bus" one of Tanek's favorite rides.
I love that they are putting out all new flowers. It looks like Springtime at Disney.
Here is Tanek and his mommy in front of the Disney bus. The driver gave each of us one of his collector cards. It is so nice to be able to park your car and leave it at the hotel until you leave. No parking problems here. We actually found 3 miniture buses and Tanek loves them. They are about the size of the Disney cars.
When we were leaving Disney after 2 days there Tanek was SO upset. He did NOT want to leave. He kept crying and saying "I don't want to go home". I mean this was not a whining cry but a deep heartbreaking cry with the large tears. He finally cried himself to sleep and when he woke up a couple hours later he was ready to go home.