Thursday, January 29, 2009
A neighborhood project
One of Papa's friends gave him this antique electric train. It was in their barn and was still in the original boxes. Gary took it and cleaned it up and got it working. John next door gave Gary a gift certificate to get the tracks because Gary takes care of their animals when they are gone. So, he built this table and put the train on it and it works great. I don't know who has more fun with it Papa or Tanek.
John (next door) got him this whistle building that blows the trains whistle. Tanek (and Papa) love to make the whistle blow.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Isn't She a Cutie?
This precious little girl is the youngest grand-child of one of our best friends. They came by Sat. and had her with them. Her and Tanek had such a good time on the slides on this beautiful sunny and warm afternoon. She is just so cute.
Posing together on the slide.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Getting ready for a Spring Garden!
Gary has started plowing up the ground to get it ready for our Spring Garden. We are going to add some soil additives to make this sandy soil better. We did have a good garden last Spring, but think we can do better this year.
Just think, this morning it was 26 degrees and now Gary is in short sleeves....Only in Florida!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Just a few things to be THANKFUL for!
Some of the things I am Thankful for. Even though I don't like our new President and I certainly don't like this freezing cold weather I am thankful that GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL! I am thankful for a warm home, a warm fire in the fire place and a sweet husband that keeps that fire going. I am thankful when I get to my grand-sons house at 4:45 am he also has a nice warm home. I REALLY dislike weather when it is SO cold. But, even in Florida for some reason we have to have some cold weather. I am thankful that each day brings us closer to Spring. I am thankful for family, friends, GRAND-CHILDREN, my relationship with God, my church and good health. There are so many things to be thankful for and these are just a few. What are you thankful for today?
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
A Beautiful Disney Trip!
We spent Sunday and Monday at Disney. Sunday was the most beautiful day. Temps around 80 with a nice breeze, sunny, not real crowded. We were able to do so much in one day. We spent the morning at the Magic Kingdom and then took the monarail to Epcot. Got checked into our hotel and then went back to the Magic Kingdom. We had an extra 2 hours after it closed to spend there because we were staying at one of the resorts. It was a great day and couldn't have been more pleasant. Below is just a few shots of the beautiful scenery. I love to just walk around and look at all the landscaping.

Epcot was really nice., I had never been to Epcot before and really enjoyed looking around there. This tree was so pretty. Don't know what kind it was, it has a trumpet like flower.
I just love this big ball. It just really interested me. I think the picture of it against the blue sky is so pretty.
We stated at the All Star Resorts. It was really neat. It was so convenient to the parks and a really enjoyable place to stay.

My sweet little grand-son LOVES riding the Disney bus. He is just very very excited about these buses. Several people have teased that we could find him a cheaper bus ride, but no other bus would do. Sunday night coming back to the hotel for some reason he didn't think the bus we were on was a Disney bus. I think it was because the seats were arranged different. He kept saying "this is not the Disney bus" it is just "the bus". No matter what we said he was determined that we were not on the Disney bus and he wasn't happy about it. The next day we were sure to point out the Disney on the side of the bus so he would know it was a Disney bus.
My sweet little grand-son LOVES riding the Disney bus. He is just very very excited about these buses. Several people have teased that we could find him a cheaper bus ride, but no other bus would do. Sunday night coming back to the hotel for some reason he didn't think the bus we were on was a Disney bus. I think it was because the seats were arranged different. He kept saying "this is not the Disney bus" it is just "the bus". No matter what we said he was determined that we were not on the Disney bus and he wasn't happy about it. The next day we were sure to point out the Disney on the side of the bus so he would know it was a Disney bus.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Is it Spring yet?
The calendar says it is winter, but the weather cries "Springtime". I don't know how long we will be blessed with this wonderful weather, but I am enjoying every minute of it. I took some pictures of my bottle brush plant. It is blooming so pretty. I even got close enough to get a bee on it and I don't usually like to get that close to them, and they didn't really like me that close, so I let them have the flowers.
80 degrees in Januray. No humidity. It doesn't get any better than this.
Monday, January 5, 2009
My own table
Tanek got this table and chairs for Christmas. He likes to eat his lunch on it and play with his puzzels on it. Of course the main reason he likes it so much is because "Mine" and "Towie" are on the top of it.

Saturday, January 3, 2009
Remnants of Christmas
This is what I had to deal with yesterday. I had taken all the Christmas decorations down, but just couldn't face getting them all put away. So after a couple days of them just sitting in the back yard, yesterday was the day to deal with it. All these deer, angels, etc plus 20+ boxes finally made their way back up into the attic for another 10 months. I love it when it is all decorated, I love it when it is all put away. I especially love to see the children enjoy the lights, especially Tanek. But.....each year it gets a little harder and a little less fun. So, I am not sure how many more years I will do this, but probably as long as Tanek gets excited about it I will.

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