Sunday, September 28, 2008
Friday night we got together to celebrate Doris Birthday. We had a mexican feast and then a game of phase 10 and a wonderful desert that Tina made
Austin and Gary are checking in on the President debate during intermission. (Between the game and cake)
Here is Tina dishing up her wonderful "Pina Colada" cake. It was Yummy. Tina makes the best deserts. Always from scratch. They are SOOO good.
The men rather liked it too. - Take Action - Take Action
We went to see this and it is a great movie. Our First Baptist church in Starke bought up all the tickets for the week and offered it to the whole community for free. What a great ministry. We went last night and the theater was packed. Lots of people had an opportunity to see it and I highly recommend it.
We went to see this and it is a great movie. Our First Baptist church in Starke bought up all the tickets for the week and offered it to the whole community for free. What a great ministry. We went last night and the theater was packed. Lots of people had an opportunity to see it and I highly recommend it.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
40/40 Forty Day Prayer Vigil
"God has given us a promise that can change America IF enough of God's people heed the call to live out the Gospel in our time, shining like stars against the darkness of our culture, reflecting the sunlight of God's Son. But that starts with our willingness to be humbled--to recognize that it's God's way or no way. It's not God and country; it's God alone. Only then can God use us--His people --for His purposes in our land." Richard Land, President Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission
Our church begins a 40 day prayer vigil today. We were given booklets to follow and they are a great outline to follow for the next 40 days. IF we as Christians don't do anything we can be assured our country will continue to go downhill. We have a great opportunity to pray and then vote to make a change in what is a very crucial time for our country. If enough Christians will earnestly pray I believe God will hear and heal our land. He says HE will.
"If..My people who are called by My name humble themselves, pray and seek My face, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land."
2 Chronicles 7:13-14.
I am excited about our 40 day prayer vigil. I believe God is just waiting for Christians to finally start being the salt and light of the world and praying for our country. It will be interesting to see what happens on November 4. Will you take the challenge???
Our church begins a 40 day prayer vigil today. We were given booklets to follow and they are a great outline to follow for the next 40 days. IF we as Christians don't do anything we can be assured our country will continue to go downhill. We have a great opportunity to pray and then vote to make a change in what is a very crucial time for our country. If enough Christians will earnestly pray I believe God will hear and heal our land. He says HE will.
"If..My people who are called by My name humble themselves, pray and seek My face, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land."
2 Chronicles 7:13-14.
I am excited about our 40 day prayer vigil. I believe God is just waiting for Christians to finally start being the salt and light of the world and praying for our country. It will be interesting to see what happens on November 4. Will you take the challenge???
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Tanek & Mason Playtime!
Today Tanek and Mason had another playtime together. They got along very good and are almost exactly the same size. They are just a month apart in age. They both had the best time on the moon walk. The day was beautiful and cool and breezy on the lake. It was a great time watching them both play together and have so much fun.
Here they are on the moon walk. Mason is a very cute sweet little boy and they really enjoyed each others company.
While they played Masons Meme and Taneks Nana had a nice visit. It was just the nicest fall morning.

We definitely want to get them together more often to play together.
Tanek is all smiles and had a great time. Thanks Mason.
Monday, September 22, 2008
First Day of Fall!
Today actually felt a little like fall. It was rainy, and a little bit cooler. Only in the 80's today. Breezy. That is about as fall as we can hope for at this time. Here is a picture of my 3 precious grand-daughters taken last fall. I think this was at the apple farm they go to in Maryland
Tanek is playing with the pumpkins I used to decorate the coffee table in the den.
As his usual thing to line things up and organize, he has stacked up the pumpkins.
I put these decorations out on the dinning room table. The first time I use this table I probably won't put them back out. The beautiful angel is a gift from my good friend Anita. I love the angel and I love her.
Here is the coffee table that I decorated for fall. I didn't go very much out for fall decorations this year.
Here is the wreath on my front door that I made a few years ago. I really do like this wreath. It is so colorful. I usually decorate my back porch a lot, but since I am in the process of trying to redo it before I decorate for Christmas I didn't decorate it this year.

Thursday, September 18, 2008
Sticker FUN!
About a month ago Meme Anita gave Tanek a little bag of 100 cars stickers. He played with those for so long. After we finished those I looked for more and couldn't find anymore cars stickers, but I found Winnie the Pooh and Thomas Train and he also loved playing with these. He puts them on books and on himself and on me. Then he takes them all off and starts over. These little bags are $1.00 for 100 stickers. A dollar well spent. It brings him hours of fun.
It also gives him opportunity to learn all the characters in the Pooh story and Thomas Train story. He already knows the names of every car in the movie but he is learning all the other names too. He is very precise where he wants to put these stickers. Today he was such a happy little guy and we had such a great time playing all his favorite games. One thing he loves to do (and I don't really like much) is putting puzzels together. It is amazing how well he puts them together. He can put them together faster than I can.
He and I both had stickers on our noses. He has the conductor from Thomas the Train on his nose.

Such a little sweetie. He keeps Nana busy, but he also makes everyday very special.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Who Is In Control Here?

Wow! In America, how can this happen? How sad and scarry it was to watch the TV for days on end to see what hatred can do. To see so many innocent lives taken, so much tragedy, and distruction . How many of us wondered over and over HOW could this happen. But...through it all we know God is in control. Why we have all the tragedy in the world who can say, but we do know God is still in control. My sympathy to the families that even after 7 years are so heartbroken over this. We should NEVER forget, and we need to be sure that who we elect will have a strong desire to protect America from going through this again. They are not going to stop trying to destroy America, and it won't help if we just try to be nice to them. We were being nice and look what happened. One thing it shows, is life is not certain and can end quickly and we need to be ready to meet our Lord. God Bless America. We (America) needs to put God back into America. We need to PRAY, PRAY, PRAY, and then go out and VOTE.

Saturday, September 6, 2008
September in Florida!
This is Not a joke. This was the temperature at 6:15 PM today. Summer is NOT over yet. This is the time of year we look forward to fall and cooler temps, the upcoming holidays. is still summer here.
A few roses have enough strength to come out in this heat.
These Chinese Honeys are looking good. About around Thanksgiving they will be ready to eat. This tree is loaded and they are so Yummy.
This poor little daylilly says "I'm Hot". When we get to January or Feb. I will look back and wish for this hot weather. But for now....I could take 70 degrees.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Gary got home late Monday night after spending 2 weeks in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. He spent time with my sister and brother as well as his sisters and brother and family. He missed all of "Fay" and I was here to take care of everything by myself. I told him I would keep his garden watered. Well, in 2 weeks I didn't have to water it once. I did have to spray it a couple times for bugs and pick peas. He is back now and it is all his....again.
It is looking pretty good. These are some of the peas in the background that the grand-children planted while they were here. We had some for dinner last night and they were very good.
Last night a deer got in the garden and it enjoyed the peas too. Hopefully it won't come back for another dinner tonight.
The okra is finally about done....thank goodness. I picked some of that yuky stuff for him and put it in the freezer, but I certainly don't like okra.

So, if the deer will leave the garden alone, and we don't get flooded out by Hanna, Ike, or Josephine, we should have plenty of peas. Thankfully the garden sits pretty high up and the soil very sandy. Even with 12 inches of rain in one week it didn't drown the garden.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
New Chairs- Antique Table
I have had this table for over 40 years and It has been painted and repainted many times. I like it because it is solid wood on a wrought iron stand and is very sturdy. I also like the round table and it works well in my kitchen. I needed new chairs and got these on line and my son-n-law put them together for me. I really like them and the set matches the china cabinet my son-n-law made me several years ago. Just thought you might like to see them. I am looking for fabric to make some new table runners. These don't really go in there, but am using them until I find the right thing. Come on over for a cup of tea and sit in my new chairs. They are pretty comfy.

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