Wednesday, August 27, 2008
A day with Tanek!
Tuesday Tanek and I had a very good day. He was in a good mood all day ( he usually is) except sometimes he gets grumpy for just a short time. Here he is taking his nap in his new "cars" bedroom. He doesn't take a nap very often and I don't let him sleep too long or he is up very late and his mommy and daddy have to get up early. He enjoys playing in his room and he even enjoyed a nap today.
After he woke up from his nap we went to vote and then came back and baked cookies. He had fun putting the cookies on the cookie sheet. Most in one place. Of course these were the easy ones. Pull apart and bake. (My kind of cooking).

While they were baking we went and watched a dvd. When they were finished baking and cooled we came in to eat some of them.
Tanek ate one of the cookies but he didn't really like them that much. I think he would like them better if they were peanut butter instead of oatmeal. Next time we will try the peanut butter cookies. It was lots of fun today as most days with him are.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
God's Promise!
This afternoon after a "another" heavy rainstorm I walked out to see this beautiful rainbow. After going through what I went through this week-end with nasty water backing up in the house and dealing with that It was such a blessing to see this beautiful rainbow. And a great big blessing was when my son-n-law found out what the problem was and now I have NO water backing up in the house or yard. After going through almost a week of Fay and 12 inches of rain it was like God reminding me that he isn't going to destroy the world through a flood again. You kinda start wondering. Florida has been hit so hard with this Tropical Storm (not even a real hurricane). I think every part of the state was hit, some very very hard. It can really upset your world when everything starts going so wrong. I knew God would take care of me, yet, you wonder just what you will go through before it is over. My heart goes out to those that have suffered with so much flooding. I do pray for them. I had just a small touch of it and it is such a helpless feeling when the water is coming in and you can't do anything about it. Especially when your husband is three thousand miles away and can't help. What a blessing to have good friends and family to help. I thank all of you for your help and concern.
I was surprised that my little camera picked this up so clearly. I have always loved rainbows and this one was timed perfectly for me. And to have a double one at that. It just makes you stop and realize the awesomeness of God. He is STILL in control. Sometimes we forget that with all that goes on around us in this world. HE is in Control, what a beautiful reminder.
Today I read a book to my grandson about rainbows and the colors in there. The book pointed out that a little sunshine and a little rain and all the colors equals a rainbow. It really is amazing how God creates a rainbow. If I had had a big camera I could have captured the whole thing. It was a complete rainbow and was so beautiful, but I could only get a small part of it. But you can see the vibrant colors and the beauty of it.

Saturday, August 23, 2008
Ladies Luncheon-Trinity Baptist Church
We had a great ladies lunchon today. Each table was decorated reflecting a Bible Verse. The overall theme was "All Things New" using Romans 12:2 as the verse. Being transformed. This is the stage where Jeanie (our pastors wife spoke). She gave her testimony and it was amazing. She is an amazing Godly woman that God has used greatly. She is a very friendly outgoing fun woman as well as Godly. She is a great asset to her husband in his ministry.
Below are all the different tables. Each one is entirely different with a different Bible verse.
Jeannie & her mom. Jeannie gave her testimony, her mom sang and Jeannie, her mom and sister also sang.

"No Darkness" John 8:12

This is Pams table. Her theme was "I am not ashamed of the Gospel". She used Roosters. Remember when Peter denied Jesus 3 times before the Roster crowed.? Pretty cool huh? This is the table I sat at.

"Honey" Proverbs 16:24

I can't possibly match all the tables up with their themes, but as you can see each one was done in a different theme. We had such a nice lunch catered by the "Ivy House". You can't beat that.
"Honey" Proverbs 16:24
the music was good and Jeannies testimony was very touching and inspiring. It was just a nice time of fellowship.
Yesterday was Stephanie's birthday. August is the month of birthdays in our family. First Richard, then mine,then Stephanies. Since we were also going through Tropical Storm Fay there wasn't a whole lot we could do. We went to lunch and then spent the afternoon at Nana's house.
Tanek loves to dance to the little singing bear we have that sings "singing in the rain". Lately that has been a huge reality. Now we are singing "rain, rain, go away" I was so happy to have Stephanie and Tanek with me during the storm. Gary was gone and Ricky had to work late so we had a birthday/storm party.
Tanek loves to dance and have you spin him round and round. He just laughs and wants to do it over and over.
Spin me around mommy. This is so much fun.
Keep going round and round mommy. I love dancing with you.
Now for the big turns and dips. Fun, fun, fun.
Again, do it again.
Tanek loves to dance to the little singing bear we have that sings "singing in the rain". Lately that has been a huge reality. Now we are singing "rain, rain, go away" I was so happy to have Stephanie and Tanek with me during the storm. Gary was gone and Ricky had to work late so we had a birthday/storm party.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Sunday was my birthday. I pretty much celebrated it all week-end. Friday night we celebrated with Don & Doris and Austin and Tina. It was also Don & Austins birthday month so we always get together and celebrate all 3 of our birthdays. We have done this for years and we always have a good time. Doris and Tina fixed a great dinner. We played our favorite game of "Phase 10". Saturday night we celebrated my birthday with Charles & Charlene with another delicious dinner. Sunday in SS I was presented with a card signed by everyone in the class and a small birthday cake. I am the person who sends out cards for the class, so they got together thanks to Bettykay and I got a beautiful card and a small cake. After going to lunch with Anita and Paul, and Kim & Dan & boys Stephanie brought Tanek over and we ate some of the birthday cake. I got a phone call from my son (who even though he was away on vacation for a few days didn't forget his dear ol mom) and calls from my brother and sister. It was a pretty good birthday and I am more and more thankful for each one that I get to celebrate. I feel very blessed to have reached #64. I will take all of them that God will allow me to have and enjoy each and everyone of them. I am very blessed and thankful to have a loving family and wonderful friends.
Deal the cards. Getting ready to "beat" the men....and we did.

Opening my birthday gifts.
Dessert time. Oreo Pie and Peanut Butter Pie. Yum!
Opening my birthday gifts.
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