These are the little 4 inch plants I planted a couple months ago. They are on their way to being big. This is also the time of year that you realize the things you planted really can get bigger than you thought. Never fear, soon winter will take care of that little problem.
This is a variegated wigela (whatever that is) and it will soon be covered with all these cute little pink flowers. These can get as big as they want and take up this whole space and I will be happy with that. No weeding necessary then.
This is my plumosa. I have cut it back several times and it just keeps growing. It will soon cover the walkway and be dipping in the pool, but this time of year you cut it back carefully. Who knows what may be lurking under it? So goes summertime in Florida. But... even with the heat and humidity Florida is a good place to live. It is a perfect place to enjoy a pool. We have certainly used ours this summer and it feels so good to get in that nice warm water, some days it is cool especially after a big rain, but it still feels good. By cool I mean the water temp drops to 88-90 degrees. I prefer water temps of about 95, but 90 is ok. So, come on down and enjoy the heat with us. In a couple months it will be gone and we will be wishing for summer to come back.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Our grand-son the organizer!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Update on Papa's Garden!
Monday, July 14, 2008
I am not sure why, maybe because you just get the good stuff when you are a grand-parent. But I do know it is just the best place in life to be. I wouldn't trade being Nana for anything. And Kirsten, you were the one that first made me a Nana.
Kirsten loves horses. It is such a big part of her life and she does it all. She rides, and takes care of them. She loves being in the barn and stables. She even loves the smell of horses. She just can't get enough of horses. She reads about them, she writes about them. One day she may run her own horse back riding stable. She would be very good at it.
Kirsten is eating a piece of watermelon from Papa's garden with Emily. When we planted the watermelons, I wanted to be sure they would be ready for the 4th of July. They were and all the grand-children got to enjoy them. I now have 4 grand-children (as most of you have heard.,..over and over again). But it just keeps getting better. Whether they are 2 or 13, there is Nothing more wonderful on earth than having grand-children. I just wanted to take time out to wish a VERY special grand-daughter a very HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
We love you Kirsten, and we are very proud of you. You are my favorite 13 year old in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!!
Friday, July 11, 2008
The two smallest Grand-children!

He is having the time of his life. He seems so natural at it. He has strength, balance and no fear.
Time for a little love from Daddy.
Here is Richard and his youngest having some "girl" play. Normally she is in her dance or princess mode, but right now she is just being a regular girl. Gotta love these grand-children. As you can see she does have on her tutu.